В следующем году на территории кафедрального соборного комплекса в Петропавловске-Камчатском появятся два новых объекта. Это трехэтажное здание гостиничного комплекса, где также разместится и воскресная школа, а также часовня, посвященная святым Петру и Февронии. Последняя, как предполагается, станет традиционным местом посещения православных молодоженов краевой столицы.

Кроме того, в течение ближайших месяцев планируется завершить ремонт самого собора Святой Живоначальной Троицы, пострадавшего в январе прошлого года от рук 27-летнего хабаровчанина. Напомним, инцидент произошел в ночь на 28 января. Грабитель проник внутрь собора, чтобы украсть деньги из кассы церковной лавки, но ничего там не обнаружил. Уходя, злоумышленник поджег иконы. Сторожа почувствовали запах гари при обходе здания и вызвали пожарных, поэтому возгорание удалось быстро ликвидировать. Пожар повредил деревянные конструкции собора, церковную утварь на площади три квадратных метра. Кроме того, 40 квадратных метров площади храма было закопчено.
Изменилось и предназначение здания бывшего кинотеатра «Родина», где много лет действовал храм Святого Николая Чудотворца. Теперь там располагается духовно-просветительский центр петропавловской и камчатской епархии. В зрительном зале на 280 мест сегодня проходят концерты православной музыки, конференции священнослужителей, а также катехизационные лекции для тех, кто намерен принять крещение. Внутри уже завершена отделка, которую, в частности, высоко оценил побывавший в центре по приглашению владыки Артемия губернатор Камчатского края Владимир
Между тем, строительство колокольни в том месте, где сейчас располагается передвижная звонница, пока, очевидно, будет отложено. Несмотря на наличие проекта, пока церковь не располагает ни материальными, ни людскими ресурсами для работы сразу на трех объектах. Фундамент колокольни уже залит, но возводить ее начнут только после завершения предыдущих строек. Также пока не решен вопрос о том, как именно будет благоустраиваться прилегающая к храму территория. На площади либо высадят деревья, либо покроют ее брусчаткой.
Строительные работы в здании гостиницы и воскресной школы завершились в конце августа, когда на объекте были приняты последние 20 кубометров бетона. Теперь рабочие приступают к отделке здания, – сообщил руководитель пресс-центра петропавловской и камчатской епархии иеродиакон Николай (Белозеров). Внутреннюю отделку планируют провести зимой, после чего здание подключат к городским системам коммуникаций. В соответствии с проектом, гостиница займет два первых этажа, в то время как на третьем устроят три просторных помещения под классы.
Другой объект, который с помощью прихожан планируют возвести в следующем году, был заложен 15 сентября. Дату выбрали не случайно. Решением Священного Синода в этот день впервые отмечался дополнительный день празднования небесных покровителей семьи, святых благоверных князей Петра и Февронии Муромских. Именно в их честь и построят часовню слева от главного входа в собор Святой Живоначальной Троицы. Спустя год, в этот же день ее предполагается освятить.
Появление нового дня чествования святых супругов связано, с тем, что  старый день их памяти 8 июля выпадает на время Петрова поста, когда по церковной традиции не полагается совершать таинство браковенчания. Для того чтобы верующие имели возможность связывать себя узами брака в день небесных покровителей семьи, и был установлен новый праздник.
Проект часовни уже готов и теперь необходимы пожертвования прихожан, поскольку церковь не имеет собственных средств на строительство. При этом бюджет возведения часовни в пресс-центре епархии назвать отказались. Как, впрочем, и сумму расходов на строительство самого кафедрального собора, который возводился на пожертвования предприятий и частных лиц.
Отказ обнародовать эти сведения мотивируют тем, что делами приходов, которые по уставу являются общественными организациями, могут с полным правом интересоваться только прихожане, члены этой организации. В свою очередь, те, кто вносил средства на строительство камчатских православных церквей, сами часто хотели сохранить анонимность и не требовали никаких отчетов. Дескать, пожертвовать посильную сумму на храм – богоугодное дело и нет повода не доверять руководству епархии.
Но открытость финансовых отчетов при возведении церквей – обычная практика в других российских регионах. И на Камчатке сведения о собранных и потраченных суммах также регулярно публиковались, когда епархию возглавлял епископ Игнатий. Однако последние сведения такого рода появились в открытом доступе в 2010 году и с тех пор финансовая деятельность православной церкви на Камчатке окутана завесой служебной, если не сказать коммерческой тайны.
Как отмечают эксперты, с экономической точки зрения РПЦ – огромная транснациональная корпорация, состоящая из десятков тысяч юридических лиц.
В ней есть, как говорят бизнесмены, головная компания – «Московская Патриархия Русской православной церкви». У нее в подчинении более 200 епархий, расположенных по всему миру. Число монастырей давно превысило 700, из них на территории России находятся более 200 мужских и свыше 230 женских. Епархии объединяют около 30 тысяч приходов, а количество духовенства перевалило эту цифру. Каждый приход – отдельное юридическое лицо, с персональными бюджетом и собственностью.
В соответствии с законодательством о религиозных организациях приход платит государству только один налог – налог с зарплаты. Самая маленькая зарплата – у человека «на ящике», в который принимаются пожертвования за свечки и прочие товары. Самая большая, разумеется, у священника. Кроме того, он совершает требы, то есть богослужения вне храма. Это  освящение домов и автомобилей, панихиды и т. д. За крещение, венчание, отпевание и прочее тоже взимаются пожертвования.
Стабильный доход храму приносят и так называемые «записки». Прихожанин пишет на бумажке свое имя, имена близких людей, которые священник произносит во время службы, молясь за здравие или за упокой. Каждое имя оплачивается отдельно.
В настоящее время звучат предложения по поводу того, как сделать финансовую деятельность церкви более «прозрачной» для общества. Одно из них заключается в том, что церковные общины должны взять на содержание приходы. Речь идет о строгом членстве в общине, каждый член которой будет платить «десятину», то есть 10 процентов дохода. При этом предлагается ввести реальные отчеты о потраченных деньгах, а требы, специальные службы и даже свечки сделать бесплатными, но предоставлять их только уплатившим «десятину» прихожанам.
В свое время высказывались и другие предложения, направленные на решение экономических проблем церкви. Так в Волгограде в 2010 году депутат областного Законодательного собрания единоросс Роланд Херианов обратился к тогдашнему президенту Дмитрию Медведеву и премьер-министру Владимиру Путину с инициативой приравнять священнослужителей к госслужащим и платить им зарплату.
Весной нынешнего года в Петропавловске был создан фонд имени митрополита Нестора в поддержку строительства храмов в Камчатском крае. Он будет финансировать в регионе программу «20 храмов Камчатки». Идея такой программы зародилась летом 2012 года, когда было подписано соглашение о взаимодействии петропавловской и камчатской епархии с правительством Камчатского края. Одним из пунктов этого соглашения как раз являлось создание подобного фонда, сопредседателями выступили губернатор Владимир Илюхин и епископ Артемий. За счет средств, поступающих в фонд, планируется создать материальную базу возведения храмов.
Тем временем петропавловская и камчатская епархия уже начала собирать пожертвования на строительство еще одного храма. Это будет морской собор, высотой 38 метров. Его возведут в краевой столице на территории Свято-Пантелеймонова мужского монастыря, что на сопке Радиосвязи. Там уже  прошла торжественная закладка первого камня в основание будущего храма. Его построят в память о погибших моряках и рыбаках Камчатки. Собор площадью 20х20 м будет вмещать в себя до 500 прихожан.
Напомним нашим читателям, что эту тему газета «Вести» ведет уже пять лет. За это время камень в основание морского собора закладывали уже трижды и столько же раз освящали его. Но до сегодняшнего дня храм так и не был построен. Следуя широко известной поговорке о том, что «Бог любит троицу», предположим, что на этот раз все будет нормально. Дай-то, Бог!

Дмитрий ЧЕРНОВ


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Backstage at the Rockettes' Radio City Christmas Spectacular Sagan Rose : "This is our reindeer costume, which is how we start the show. This is the only costume that we get in our dressing rooms upstairs. All of these bells are hand-applied — everything is so custom, they do an amazing job for us. The leggings have an ombré effect. It's the smallest details that make the biggest difference." Raley Zofko: "It goes all the way down into our custom-designed LaDuca reindeer boot to look like a hoof of the reindeer. But our favorite part of this costume is our antlers. And — surprise surprise, I'm giving away a little story — they light up at the end [of the number], and we control that. We have a button that we press on a specific count, to specific music, on a specific step." Rose, left, and Zofko. pre bonded hairRacked: How much works goes into fitting each costume to each girl? Sagan Rose: "We start rehearsals at the end of September, and we usually have our fittings a couple weeks before that. But the costume shop is working tirelessly all year. They're so good about it, even if it's the littlest thing — they want to make it so custom and nice for us, because we do spend so much time in them and have so many shows. They want to make sure that we're comfortable. I've been doing the show for eight years now, so they keep my costumes for me year after year. But, you know, things change, bodies change. And if I ever come back and need alterations, it's very easy." Raley Zofko: "And stuff happens throughout the season because we're moving. We're athletes in our costumes. If something unravels, they instantly fix it either during the show or after the show. Everybody is just so on it and professional, and it's what makes the show run smoother." Sagan Rose

: "This is my personal favorite. I just feel kinda sassy, like a cliché Rockette. I t's all about the legs — the numbers starts just from our feet to the top of our skirts showing. So that's the focus of this costume. This is pretty close to the original version when they started the 12 Days of Christmas number here, which I want to say was about 10 years ago. It's so pretty with the lights and the colors and everybody in line together. So they really haven't had to change much." Raley Zofko: "The mesh is different because everyone's skin tone is different, so the wardrobe and costume department custom-dye it. And then we have our head pieces that we have to pin on, and then we do a bunch of head turns to make sure that those are bobby-pinned...after our seven and a half-minute minute tap number, we do kicks, which is pretty exhausting. Our show shoes actually have this battery-packed mic that goes in between the heel." Sagan Rose: "So all the taps are live. We get notes that are like, 'Make sure the heel sound on count is clearer, or sharper, or faster, or together.'" Racked: You'll go out in costume a lot for charity and publicity. Where are some of the fun places you go? remy hair extensionsRaley Zofko: "I got to do the New York Presbyterian children's hospitals last year and it was so wonderful to talk to the children that just need some holiday cheer and love. We literally had a dance party with them, so we danced with all of the kids in our costumes and they were looking at us like, 'Oh my gosh!'" Sagan Rose: "I think it's always fun to do the Macy's Day Thanksgiving Parade. That's when I first saw the Rockettes. I'm from Kentucky, and my grandmother brought my family up to New York when I was little and I was like, 'I want to do that one day.' The parade is a fun place to be in costume because it's a tradition to have us there, and you feel like it's a really big honor." Raley Zofko: "I have friends and family that come up just for the parade. I'm from Alabama, and they fly all the way up to sit in the stands to cheer on the Rockettes." Raley Zofko : "'Soldiers' is my favorite number because it's been in the show since its inception. I feel like I am part of history when I put this costume on. W e have the jacket, we have the pants, and we have the two and a half foot-high soldier hat.

Sagan Rose: "Liza Minnelli's father [Vincent] designed this, and he choreographed the number. And we do the same choreography, wear the same costume. It's really cool because you can see that Raley and I are not the same height — she is closer to the center because she's a taller girl, and I am on the very very end of the line. And when we line up we all want to seem that we are the same height, so they custom-make these jackets and pants to your height. My jacket might be a little shorter than hers so that everything matches in line." Raley Zofko: "These pants are foam pants. Because back in the day, when I started the show, they starched-pressed the pants. They stood up on their own — those were very intense." Sagan Rose: "You walk a little straighter, a little stiffer, and it's easier to perform the 'Parade of the Wooden Soldier' routine with the costume like that. And then we have our tap shoes and these round little fabric cheeks that we put on. We go through about 30,000 of those in a Christmas season. Some girls tape them to their cheeks, but I do Vaseline, because my cheeks are sensitive to the tape." Raley Zofko : "We actually get notes if our solider hat isn't straight up and down. What we do is we put their head up against the wall, so that it lines up so and the back of the hat is straight. If someone's hat is too tilted or too back, it could throw off the line completely. We'll get hat notes, like, 'Raley, your hat was a centimeter back!'" Racked: When you're going from a costume like '12 Days of Christmas' that's all about the legs to being completely covered up as a wooden soldier, what does that change in the way that you're dancing or the way that you're presenting yourself? Sagan Rose: "The costume department and the designers take into consideration what movement we're doing in each number. So I don't feel hindered because the movement is fit for this costume, and the costume is fit for the movement. In rehearsals, we rehearse for a month and a half without costumes, and you get used to that. Then you put on the costumes, and it changes the way you dance." Raley Zofko: "Along with what Sagan is saying, I feel like they take into consideration the simplicity of 'Soldiers' or the extravagance of '12 Days.' In 'Soldiers,' it's just about the formations and the history of the number, so they don't need that much movement. And '12 Days' is very in-your-face, and the costume is accordingly descriptive in that fashion." Raley Zofko : "This is the 78-second change that we were talking about. We have our dress and the coats — right here we have green stripes but there's also red stripes as well. There are so many pieces to it, and we have to get out of all of ['Soldiers'] and get to this, and it's just organized chaos." Sagan Rose: "But it's so organized that it's not chaos! Depending on where you are in the line, there's red and green dresses. This jacket has really simple snaps that really get us in and out, because the change is so fast getting into it and it's choreographed getting these off [on stage]. It could be a little stressful if it wasn't so easy. It's kind of fun because, you know, we're human, and there are wardrobe malfunctions. So if someone's having trouble getting out of their coat, because we do get sweaty and things stick to you... Raley Zofko: "We stand next to each other in this number, too. Which is so funny because I'm so tall and you're so..." perruques cheveux naturelsSagan Rose: "Short. You can say it." Raley Zofko: "You're not as tall as I am. We've had the 'take the jacket off!' emergencies where you're praying the girl behind you can hear you and help you remove it." Racked: Is this where these little guys belong, fastened on the jacket? Sagan Rose: "These are the earrings, and they're there for the changes. We put them on the collar just to make it easy. You know where everything is — I know where to reach for my earrings even when I'm not looking. This is my last step of getting dressed." Racked: Is there ever any issue with the heavy makeup? Are you ever getting something on and you just take your face off on your dress? Sagan Rose: "It happens. We're sweating, we're working hard, and it gets hot underneath those lights. So occasionally, there's white fur near our face and we do get makeup on them, but wardrobe can handle something like that in a snap and by the next show it's clean." Sagan Rose : "So we go from glamorous, sparkly, sassy

Rockettes to this." Raley Zofko: "This is such a crowd pleaser, actually. This is one of my favorite numbers to perform, too. We get to go through the audience this year, which is so cool because we're dancing and stepping all jolly and you get to look at an audience member right in the face and say 'So be good, for goodness sake!' And some of them are freaked out, and some of them love it. This costume is awesome." Sagan Rose: "Everyone thinks that this is a real fat suit, like padded fat. But it's not — it's like a harnessed wire inner tube. We fit right in there and there's no padding down here. Everyone is really surprised that we're all jumping with that. It's nice that there is freedom in this, because we are doing such big movements. It's not necessarily pressed up against our bodies, so we can still move and jump around." Raley Zofko: "The thing that I want to point out here is the wig department — because we kind of get a little messy in our number, they curl our hair and fix this after every performance to make our Santa beards look real and authentic." Racked: Tell us about the space we're in right now — there are a lot of costumes in here. Raley Zofko: "This is the nap space, and lots of changes happen back here. The ensembles are back here, the Rockettes are back here — this is the largest space that we have to change." Sagan Rose: "There can be anywhere from ten to forty [costume] people back here." Raley Zofko: "We have about ten costume changes, and that's just as much choreographed backstage as it is on stage." Racked: Are you just throwing things off and leaving them in a pile for people to handle so you can get back out there? Sagan Rose: "We each have a spot that one or two girls will go to, and there's one dresser to about two girls. We have amazing, amazing dressers. As soon as we come off stage, we're running, and we know exactly where we're going, we know who to look for. It's even choreographed how, if we're changing together, I'll do my earrings first and my dress second and my shoes third, and she'll do her shoes first and her dress second and her earrings third." Raley Zofko: "It's as organized as a [quick] costume change can be." perruques cheveuxRaley Zofko: "This was a newly designed costume by Greg Barnes in 2014. There used to be a rag doll dress that was longer and less form-fitting, and this is cinched at the waist and shorter. And we have the cutest red-and-white striped tights. And underneath that, we have our custom-designed bloomers that I absolutely adore." Sagan Rose: "I wish I could purchase them at a store — they're that cute." Raley Zofko: "We have our glasses, and we have our wigs. This is a wire material that fits right on top of your head." Sagan Rose: "And they are actually pretty light on our heads. We keep the wig caps [from 'Dancing Santas'] on for that." Raley Zofko: "And then we have our Mary Jane tap shoes, which are also miked." Sagan Rose: "We charge the '12 Days of Christmas' tap shoes and these tap shoes after each show, just to make sure." Raley Zofko: "It's so much fun to be a rag doll and get to dance and make funny faces at your friend and look at the audience and blow them kisses." Sagan Rose: "A lot of us come up on the pit of the stage so we are literally this close to the audience, and there will be little kids in the front being like 'Oh my gosh!' They don't know what is happening, their minds are blown, so it's fun to play with them." Racked: You two are seasoned pros at eight and nine years. Has anyone in this cast been around for longer?

Raley Zofko: "There are girls that have been doing it for 16 years that are still in the line!" Racked: Do you have a memory of a favorite show that was a little bit out of the ordinary? Raley Zofko: "There's a gold cast and a blue cast, and I just transitioned from the gold cast." Sagan Rose: "The blue cast is all the morning shows. while the gold cast is all the evening shows." Raley Zofko: "But the gold cast hasn't been doing opening night — this year, when I transitioned to the blue cast, I got to do opening night. That was literally spectacular because there is just such an energy on opening night that I've never felt before. I don't really get nervous anymore. I've done it a lot, and the show is very similar in the ways it changes [from year to year]. I focus on the changes so that I know exactly what to not mess up on, or try to not mess up on. But I've never felt that much energy, love, and support. We had the other cast in the theater watching us, too." lace front wigsSagan Rose: "It was the best crowd I've had in eight years. I felt like a rock star." Racked: What has it been like to perform on this huge world stage, and how is it different to perform elsewhere? Sagan Rose: "Well, to me, I feel like Radio City is my second home. I feel so comfortable on stage and I feel like we all have a bond, especially during the holidays, because a lot of us are from different places and don't have families here. I just feel so at home and so at peace on this stage. [But] when we do travel and perform outside, it's always a nice, different energy that you get." Raley Zofko: "It might be a little bit nerve-wracking in a different way, but it's just as exciting. It's just different — you can't really compare Radio City to outside venues because there's that sense of comfortability on this stage." Sagan Rose: "This is one of my favorites to wear — like '12 Days of Christmas,' the legs are highlighted. With this design, they really wanted to emphasize that every snowflake, like every Rockette, is different, but we come together to make a beautiful snowstorm. So there are six designs of this costume in six colors. All of these straps [on the top] are the biggest change."

Raley Zofko: "On my purple costume, I don't have any of these straps in the front at all. And then we have multiple cuffs and ribbons with rhinestones, and everything is covered in Swarovski crystals. Like what Sagan said, every Rockette is different, and every costume is different, and that's what they try to do with this design. And I think it's so gorgeous. On stage, it's beautiful — with the choreography in the mix, we're beautiful snowflakes dancing in a snowstorm." Sagan Rose: "Linda Haberman was the choreographer for this, and she really emphasized that she really wanted to bring our individual personalities to the stage and celebrate that. Because when you think of the Rockettes you think of a big group of women, but we all are different and have different personalities and different ways that we dance. So it's a really nice number to perform." Raley Zofko: "And then on our LaDuca shoes, the color is painted to match our tights, and the heels have Swarovski crystals on them." Sagan Rose: "This heel is different than our other ones, because it's about a half inch higher to continue the line of the leg. It's a leggy costume." cosplay wigsRacked: What advice would you give to Rockette hopefuls? Sagan Rose: "Taking ballet is very important for dancers, because if you have that good technique background, it will show in anything you do." Raley Zofko: "Tap is very important, too. All versions and styles of dance are important for Rockettes because we are proficient in all of it. I would say take as many classes as often as you can and focus on your technique." Sagan Rose: "And any job, especially in the performing arts industry, is so specific in what they need. So one year, they might need a tall girl, or they'll need a shortish girl for my spot. I think it's perseverance — If you have a goal, don't ever take no for an answer." Raley Zofko: "I would finish that off with dream big, and don't ever lose sight of your dreams. I'm from a small town in the very tip of Alabama and there's not very much dance and entertainment and theater down there. So when I first started dancing, I didn't necessarily know what was out there. And it was just once upon a time — Sagan said she saw the Rockettes at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and so did I — and I thought, 'That is glamorous, that is beautiful. They are dancing, and I dance.' And it just became a tiny little dream that grew into a big dream, and now it's my life. It's just so unbelievable that it actually came true."